Free SSL for UniFi Controller

2 min readDec 10, 2019


Everyone hates seeing the security error when loading a controller on their internal network. There are a bunch of complicated methods to create free SSLs and load them onto controllers and renew them.

We use Cloudflare at PoweredLocal and our Product Manager was thinking it would be neat to create a small application that allows anyone to freely create a Cloudflare generated SSL for their controller with a friendly hostname.

So we built a project that just does this.

We ask you for a friendly subdomain to go along with our easy to remember hostname and a static IP address of your controller.

We then automatically generate records that puts your {subdomain} into a Cloudlfare account with SSL and CDN. You even get a bonus that your origin IP is obfuscated because of the Cloludflare CDN.

Check out the landing page for the tool 👉

It works a little something like this…

  1. You pick a subdomain to go at the start of

2. You give us the public IP address of your controller — this should be static and the public address, not the internal one.

3. We use some no code tools with Jotform, Google Sheets, Zapier and Gmail to automatically create the A records with SSL and CDN in Cloudflare. We’ll send you an email within about 3 minutes to let you know it has been setup.

We hope this tool is useful to you and if it is, give us a 👏

