ActiveCampaign x Guest WiFi

3 min readJul 20, 2020


Because we are all about using the data we work so hard to get for you, we heavily focus on seamless integrations and the real-time automation of them. In particular, our ActiveCampaign integration allows advanced tracking and campaign automation.

If you have landed on this post, I am going to assume you know what ActiveCampaign is and you already have a PoweredLocal account.

Step 1.

Login into your ActiveCampaign account and head over to the Settings then Developer page. Copy the URL and Key under API settings and keep them handy for the next step.

Head over to Tracking and scroll down to Event Tracking set Status to on

Copy the Event Key and click on Event Tracking API and copy the ActId

Step 2. (optional field mapping)

Depending on the fields you already have in ActiveCampaign, you may wish to add extra fields to ingest the additional data you are getting from PoweredLocal.

By default the following are captured: First Name Last Name Email Phone

We can pass many details about a visit to ActiveCampaign:

  • Access Point (eg. 00:0a:95:9d:68:16)
  • Birth date (e.g. 1980–01–30)
  • Birth day (e.g. 01–30)
  • First name (e.g. John)
  • First visit (e.g. yes)
  • Full name (e.g. John Smith)
  • Friend count (e.g. 520)
  • Gender (e.g. male)
  • Home city (e.g. Hobart)
  • Last name (e.g. Smith)
  • Login type (e.g. Mesh-Network)
  • Opt-in (e.g. Yes)
  • Phone number (e.g. 0412345678)
  • Zip code (e.g. 3000)
  • Previous visits (e.g. 12)
  • Social profile URL (e.g.
  • Venue nickname (e.g. Starbucks Flinders)

To add extra fields, head over to Forms then Manage Fields and Add Fields

Here is an example with Birthday, Login Type ZIP Code, Home City and Previous visits setup

Step 3.

Login to your PoweredLocal account and head on over to the Apps section. If you have multiple locations, select the one you want to integrate with from the dropdown.

Click on the ActiveCampaign app tile.

Paste in the API URL and API Key from step 1 step and hit Connect.

Add in the Event tracking ActId and Event Tracking Key from Step 1.

Optionally you can change theSubscriber List to have the visits pushed to a specific list.

If any of the extra fields are defined, you will need to map them here as well.

Click update and the integration is completed.

On each return visit, an event will be created inside ActiveCampaign for the contact record.

That is all, the integration is complete :)

